Universitas Salud is a health insurance designed for foreign students and / or professors who choose a Spanish university to carry out their studies, research, doctorate, master, MIR or other training or mobility programs. A private insurance comparable to the Spanish public health system, to meet the requirements of the Spanish Consulate when obtaining a Visa, or if you need to renew your NIE in Spain.

  • National Medical / Surgical Assistance for Illness or Accident medical staff and hospitals arranged with the Company
  • General Medicine Guarantees
  • Emergencies
  • Medical Specialties and Hospitalization
  • Prostheses and implants / Special Treatments
  • No Deficiency Period (Except Delivery which will be 9 months)
  • No copayments (No deductible)
  • Travel Assistance
  • Repatriation in case of Death, Accident or Illness up to the full cost

Valid for obtaining a VISA at the Consulates and Embassies of Spain worldwide.

Valid to Renew the NIE in Spain.

Premium refund guarantee in case of visa refusal.

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ATENCION: Obligatorio adjuntar PASAPORTE y Carta de Aceptación de universidad/centro de estudios español. Mayores de 36 se aplica recargo de 9,52 € al mes.

Póliza de Salud completa, incluido dental. Envío de certificado de seguro y recibo para tramites consulares inmediato. Las pólizas se procesan y emiten de Lunes a Viernes en un plazo de 24 a 72 horas. ATENCION: Obligatorio adjuntar PASAPORTE y Carta de Aceptación de universidad/centro de estudios en España. Mayores de 44 se aplica recargo de 6 € al mes.

Incluido Dental 21 y Video Consulta Médica. ATENCION: Obligatorio adjuntar PASAPORTE y Carta de Aceptación de universidad/centro de estudios español. En caso contrario el alta podría ser rechazada por SANITAS.

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